A front limber is a gymnastics skill where the gymnast performs a handstand, carries the momentum forward, landing in a bridge, and then pulls their upper body upwards, ending in a standing position. It is related to a front walkover, but it is a variant as both legs are carried forward at once whereas each leg is taken over separately in a walkover.
This is how it is done correctly:
- Kick up into handstand, and hold it momentarily.
- Push shoulders 'out' and arch the back, with feet together and toes pointed.
- Bend knees until feet land on the floor.
- Immediately push the hips forward and push off the hands to stand up ending with arms overhead.
Tips: Look at hands throughout
- Land with feet about a foot apart
- Stretch back before doing a front limber
- If doing for the first time, do on to a raised surface (sofa, mat) as the back does not have to arch as much.
Video Front limber
Similar gymnastic skills
- Back limber
- Front walkover, Back walkover
- Front or back handsprings
Maps Front limber
External links
- Animation
Source of article : Wikipedia