"American Gigg-olo" is the third episode of the fifteenth season of the animated sitcom Family Guy, and the 272nd episode overall. It aired on Fox in the United States on October 16, 2016, and is written by Chris Sheridan and directed by Mike Kim. The episode involves Quagmire starting work as a gigolo after a strike happens at the airport. Meanwhile, Brian is no longer insured by his family and is forced to get a job at a hardware store.
Video American Gigg-olo
Tom Tucker reports about Quagmire and his fellow pilots organizing a mediocre strike on the airport, since they've been laid off. After the news, Brian discovers that he is no longer covered by the Griffins' health insurance, due to it no longer covering animals. He is upset because he has a hernia courtesy of trying to save a woman when she drove into a lake, only to intentionally let her die when she revealed that she had a child.
Brian cheers up when he gets a job as a handyman. However at the workplace, it's discovered that Brian acts pretentious and is incompetent. Despite this, Brian remains having a positive attitude and Stewie at first decides to accept this, but swiftly decides to get him fired.
Quagmire stumbles upon a bachelorette party, and when he enters to score with them, he is mistaken for a stripper and he gains a lot of cash. After bailing out on his friends at the Drunken Clam, they decide to follow him and find him at a strip club. When Quagmire encounters them, he reveals that he's been laid off from work and needed money. Pretty soon, Quagmire becomes a gigolo when some women request that he has sex with them.
In order to get ideas on how to get Brian fired, Stewie hires a trio of Latinos to consult him on how to fire Brian. After some ridiculous ideas including getting Brian deported and killing him, he takes the idea of framing Brian for rigging a soda drink on his boss. This results in Brian being fired.
Quagmire keeps the secret from Joe, since prostitution is a felony. Peter agrees to pick up Quagmire from one of his clients' house even going so far as to ditching Meg at her cello recital, although a lot of people have done it too as the janitor gives Meg the keys to lock up when she is done. When Peter arrives, Quagmire's client didn't pay him. So Peter lobbies the client until she gives Peter the money. He is given the money, and Quagmire decides to give him some of it, inspiring Peter to become his pimp. After a montage, Quagmire is left exhausted. Dressed as a pimp, Peter overbearingly insists that he meet with his clients. During one of the parts where he gets the money from Quagmire, Peter had second thoughts about seeing Guardians of the Galaxy. Then it comes to the point where Peter forces him to have sex with an elderly woman.
Brian confronts Stewie and tries to force him to confess his role in the scheme, but Brian's hernia breaks and Stewie manages to treat him by looking at steps on the Internet with Brian walking him through the tools to use it. When it comes to closing up the incision, Stewie uses a staple gun instead of the tools Brian instructed him to use. Afterwards, Stewie makes a reference to "the guy who killed Joan Rivers".
Quagmire is picked up by a German woman, but she begins to do "German" things to him. When Peter tries to help, he is raped as well. After that, Peter apologizes to Quagmire for his behavior and Quagmire forgives him. Quagmire then gets upset when Peter says that the airport strike ended a month ago. Peter assumed that Quagmire got the memo when he sent him an email to an AOL account. Quagmire states that he no longer uses that account.
Maps American Gigg-olo
Cultural references
- A cutaway features an edited version of Donald Trump's 2005 hot-mic video of Access Hollywood with Peter's voice edited into the conversation featuring lewd comments from Trump and Billy Bush. Seth MacFarlane tweeted an uncensored version of the segment. This cutaway was removed during a re-airing of the episode on April 2, 2017 and replaced with a "animal sobriety checkpoint" advertisement as well as an extended ending in which Stewie hands a beer to Brian which ends up exploding in his face because it was shaken by Pedro, one of Stewie's "hires" from earlier in the episode. Both versions of the episode end up with the same run-time.
- In the news section in the beginning of the episode, when Tom Tucker talks about the airport strike he says "So ground control to major tom, this is gonna be a long one", a reference to the David Bowie song Space Oddity after saying the quote, Tom says "Haha! Anybody else a fan of David Bowie?"
- A segment on Quagmire's life as a gigolo is a spoof on the HBO documentary Hookers at the Point.
- As Brian is walking away with a beer in his hand from the kitchen. He sings to himself "Tommy used to work on the docks". Union's been on strike, He's down on his luck, It's tough, so tough." This is a reference to the band Bon Jovi's 1986 song, Livin On A Prayer.
- The episode's title is a play on the 1980 film American Gigolo.
The episode received an audience of 3.68 million viewers, making it the third most-watched show of the night, behind Son of Zorn and The Simpsons.
The episode received positive reviews on Metacritic. Jake Beamer of Bubbleblabber gave the episode an average review, saying "Not Family Guy's worst, but not its best either."
External links
- "American Gigg-olo" on IMDb
- "American Gigg-olo" at TV.com
Source of article : Wikipedia